Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Dumb without exception

I'm having a conversation about relationships with a friend? Can you imagine the Gmail ads that come up? You don't have to:

Huggable Hunk on Campus

My Guy Pillow Is Available For You When Your Guy Can't or Won't

Think Like A Guy

Learn How to Understand Men - Tips Get Your Instant Download Here!

Know The Secret To Men?

Learn The "Secret Psychology" To Getting A Man Hooked For Good

Are you in Love?

If you're asking this question Here's what you need to know

Understand Love Signals?

Are you sending the right signals? This PhD Test will let you know!

Are You A Shy Guy?

How To Meet Beautiful Women. Never Feel Shy Or Lonely Again.

Not Into You? Here's Why

Learn "Secret Reason" Why You're Attracted To Jerks & Players

Your Name Is No Accident

See Why the Amazing Truth of Your Numerology Chart Cannot Tell A Lie

Which is dumber? Think like a guy or numerology? I mean, really: who wants to think like a guy?

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